Publication Ethics

IJFBM: Committed to Ethical Publishing

The IJFBM is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focused on educational technology research. Published in Indonesia, it adheres to high ethical standards for all involved: authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher. These guidelines are based on best practices to ensure the quality and integrity of published research.

Key Principles:

  • Fairness: Everyone involved is judged based on the merit of their work, not background or affiliation.
  • Confidentiality: Submitted work is kept confidential except for those involved in the review process.
  • Transparency: Potential conflicts of interest are disclosed, and editorial decisions are based solely on research quality.


  • Authors: Ensure originality, proper citation, and accurate reporting of research.
  • Editors: Select qualified reviewers, manage the review process fairly, and make unbiased publication decisions.
  • Reviewers: Provide objective and timely feedback, maintaining confidentiality and disclosing conflicts of interest.

Overall, IJFBM is dedicated to ethical publishing practices that promote high-quality research in educational technology.