Plagiarism Policy

International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) takes plagiarism seriously.

There are two main types of plagiarism: copying someone else's work without credit (intentional plagiarism) and reusing your own published work without proper citation (self-plagiarism).

International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) checks for plagiarism before publication.

If plagiarism is found (before or after acceptance, during editing, or proofs), International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) will ask you to rewrite the text or properly cite the original source. Extensive plagiarism (over 20% of the content) may lead to rejection and notification of your institution.

How International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) checks for plagiarism.

All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) are screened for plagiarism using PlagScan and Turnitin software before editorial review. These tools compare your work to a vast database to identify any overlapping or similar text.

Limitations of plagiarism detection.

Sometimes, restricted access may prevent the software from comparing your work to the original source (e.g., unpublished manuscripts). In such cases, plagiarism may not be detected.

International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) requires a plagiarism declaration.

All authors submitting to International Journal of Finance and Business Management (IJFBM) must complete a plagiarism-free statement, uploaded through the journal's online system.